AI-powered content moderation for safer social media posts

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How to enable AI-powered moderation?

Are you looking to enable AI-powered moderation for your social media accounts? If so, it's easier than you think! With just a few simple steps, you can set up AI-powered moderation in no time, ensuring that all your posts are safe and secure. First, you'll need to add the AI package to your subscription. Once done, you can switch on protection when creating a profile. Then, with just a few clicks, you can ensure that your posts are monitored by AI-powered moderation.
Once the protection has been activated, the AI-powered moderator will review every post, including text, images and video. If the post doesn't get the all-clear, it will be blocked and need approval by an administrator before it can be sent out to all your social accounts.
With AI-powered moderation, you can rest assured that your posts will be free of offensive words, offensive media, and any other type of post that you wouldn't want to be associated with your brand.

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